Dateline Richmond, VA
It has come to pass that I am now able to embark upon a massive round-the-country trip.
This has been in the planning stages for many months, including a kind of false start in June of last year. But that was then.
So over the coming days, weeks and months I hope to keep this blog updated with the results of what we learn and observe in this year of Hope.
By "we", I mean of course Shelby, my 12 year old Lab mix who has been my faithful companion throughout her life.
In the course of this blog I will provide history about her life, how she came to change mine.
I will also use this opportunity to share some of my own observations on a variety of topics.
Since this is a Blog, it invites comments. I can only hope that the spambots don't discover this and use it to sell their evil wares. I will endeavor to remain ahead of them but it's been my experience this is a time consuming and never ending task.
Finally, I hope to pay homage to the great John Steinbeck work Travels with Charley (In Search of America) and if you can forgive my shameless lifting of that timeless subtitle I will use it as a model for crafting and styling my reports from the road.
Mr. Steinbeck's trip took place in 1960 at the age of 58 and in seriously failing health. His objective, according to Thom Steinbeck, the author's older son, the real reason for the trip was that Steinbeck knew he was dying and wanted to see his country one last time.
Mine begins in early February, 2009, at the age of 52, with the country teetering on the edge of what appears to be a Grim Depression that could make the previous one look like a cakewalk, while a new, young, talented President scrambles to fix it. Unlike Mr. Steinbeck, I'm in excellent health if you don't include a couple minor aches and pains as a consequence of working out every day.
Nope, happy to have all my hair, teeth and a good amount of my wits left.
And happy to once again embark on another trip with little Shelby. She's an amazingly good traveler and loves going to new places.
Thank you for joining us on this journey.
Your comments and questions are most welcome.
If you want to reach me directly, the best way is to use my Secure Contact Form.
Woohoo! It appears that now I can travel WITH you and Shelby. I shall be an ardent reader of your daily travels within this year of Hope for thee!
I like your pages, Jonathan! I didn't realize that you were such a technical celebrity.
See you soon in Second Life,
Wow, my first comment! Thanks, Berynn!
While I prepare for the trip here in the freezing cold South, there may be minor gaps in bloggage.
But once we hit the road, which I am now estimating at the middle of next week, I anticipate daily updates.
Thanks again for doubling my readership, and yes, we'll see you again in SL ;)
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