Dateline, Mt. Sterling, KY
Longitude: -83.94502
Latitude: 38.06882
While the blog has gone without updates for long enough to have a number of people ask why, I have not been completely idle.
I have come to the decision that weather should be either ignored or celebrated, but not discussed. So one thing we have done during this quiet time is to celebrate the exciting array of weather choices provided locally. Everything from gorgeous sunny days to snow; light misty rain to epic thunderstorms; and my personal favorite, tornado's. We have not actually seen any up close, but neighboring counties have been paid visits. Given that my current abode is a tornado's favorite food source, knowing when and where these windy predators are hunting has become a more than passing interest.
Earlier in the blog I mentioned a little mishap that took place on the first real day of driving, where I tagged one of those pylons they put around gas pumps. Even with my careful planning my egress before choosing a pump, I did not account enough for the turn radius, plus you may recall I was slightly distracted by an increasingly aggressive wanderer who was looking for a ride to Knoxville.
In any case, I clipped this unusually large pylon, catching the left rear corner of the rig and bumper, as shown in the top photo.
At the encouragement of my artist cousin Terri, I also pulled down the cheesy header wallpaper that lined the top portion of the living room area. I spent the next couple days laying down a few coats of white primer, then topped it with the same paint she has on her walls in the Sun room where I write this post.
For all the pictures I have taken of the boat, I only found this last photo that showed the original wallpaper header. It was also used as a wall treatment around the stove but is now gone.
I want to thank all of you followers for taking the time out of your busy lives to read this little blog and hope to pick up the pace of my posts as the journey recommences in the coming days. It's time to go mobile again, rested and ready.
Don't forget to pick up a copy of Willie Nelson's "On The Road Again" to commemorate this step in your Journey.....tehehe
Having just utilized a 26ft. Penske truck, I understand the turning radius issues. Well, I can't really say that because I didn't drive it, but it looked complicated. :-)
Hope all is going well!
Thanks for the comments. I am actually reading a book called "The Road" right now, not the Kerouac one but a sort of post-apocalyptic story about a father and son. My cousin Terri gave it to me and raved over it.
As to the turning radius, it was a lesson learned and I will shortly post even newer photos showing the terrific patch job my boys at RV Service of VA did.
I still have not had to back up yet and figure that if I find myself in a hopeless situation, I will just abandon the rig. ;)
Hey Jon, I read that book "The Road". Have you finished it? I couldn't put it down!
Still working on it, and heard this week it is already being made into a movie.
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