Dateline, Richmond, VA
Photos from Mt. Sterling, KY
Longitude: -83.94502
Latitude: 38.06882
In the absence of having anything great to blog about, here are some pictures of my cousin Terri's neighbor's pups who paid us a visit shortly before my departure.
Incredibly, all three of these pups were from the same litter. I think their Mom has some 'splainin' to do.
The first one shown is named "Fluffy", for obvious reasons. Easily the fattest of the lot under that massive fur coat and quite enthusiastic around bowls of food.

This little female is named Maya and is characteristically submissive around older dogs (Shelby, in this case).

Finally, this handsome lad is named Megs and was the calmest of the bunch. Very friendly and my guess is he'd be the easiest to train.

I post this from the safety of being 500 miles away from these little temptations, lest anyone think that they might be the next ones to have blogs written about them.
I'm a one-dog man with a plan to see this one through her third act.
There are quite a few more photos of these little guys on the tail end (har) of my Mt Sterling Album on Picasa.
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