Friday, June 26, 2009

2009-06-19 Verily, Vermillion

Dateline Yankton, SD
Lat 42.8586
Long -97.5246

Pushing off from Onawa, Iowa (say that out loud a few times to exercise your facial muscles) rested and showered, we set out for the short hop up to Vermillion, South Dakota, who celebrates its Sesquicentennial Celebration - 150 Years August 6-9, 2009.

Having plotted this out in advance, we scooted around the very small town and headed to the Clay County Recreational Area to camp among the cottonwoods on the edge of the Missouri River.

One thing that doesn't picture doesn't show is that I finally had to face my second-greatest fear - backing up. Yep, this had been the source of much anxiety, since I have managed to only go forward so far in roughly 2500 miles of road trip.

This campground only had back-in spaces but I managed to do it - very, very slowly - and after three tries got it place.

We basically hung out among the cottonwoods for a couple days, which apparently get their name from the seeds they drop that float down like cotton tufts. You would almost think it was snowing if it were not well into the nineties with an extra humidity bonus. You would be forgiven for thinking this when your brains are melting.

There are more pictures in my Vermillion album.

And in case you were wondering, my greatest fear is timeshare presentations.

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