Dateline, Mt. Sterling, KY
Longitude: -83.94502
Latitude: 38.06882
Synopsis: A real go-getter and team player. Particularly adept at working with and training people. A natural diplomat. Not a work dog but can work a room.
Education: Happy Camper Dog Training, Santa Ana, CA
Degrees Earned: MS - Master of Sitting, Minor in Staying
Work experience

1997-1999 Refined training in Laguna Beach, CA in capacity as emergency backup dog to my Senior Associate Milo. On the job training included teaching my master to pick up after me on walks and also persuading him to leave a bowl of cookies out and available to us at all times. We never abused the privilege and appreciated the show of trust and good faith.

2000-2007 My master transferred back to Dana Point, CA during the acquisition of a company and merging his company in with the new one. Served as backup watchdog and companion to Milo. Also persuaded master to bring the Dog Van back from the ranch in Colorado, so the three of us could all ride shotgun again.
From 2004 to 2006 provided assistance to Senior Associate Milo as he progressed through an illness I can't spell and will leave to my master to describe. In 2006, upon the passing of Milo, stepped into main dog position, taking over all duties.
2008 Helped my master with travel planning and companionship. He voluntarily shed most of his stuff and buried the rest of it in storage, freeing us up to travel, and that we have. Principal role as travel companion is reminding my master to stop regularly so we can check P-mail.
2009 Changed to full-time traveler with my master, aboard his road ship with the comfy couch. Duties mainly companionship and keeping furniture warm. Also to make sure he gets a workout in the form of lifting me in and out of the car.
Special Skills
Party Consultant / Fashion Advisor

Super Power
Jon, you need a date more than any man alive. Girls, band together and three way this guy so he'll see his dog from a healthy perspective... :)
LoL, thanks Arthur.
Dates, clients, jobs, writing projects, insurrections, startups, expeditions or adventures... all applications being accepted!
Some restrictions may apply.
It is impressive how she adapted from refusing to have anything to do with the rig - to calling it home. A reminder that you are still, really - calling the shots! :)
LoL. I call some of the shots. She pretty much decides when we get up, pile driving me with that strong foreleg as she bounces about the bed in the morning, informing me she needs to go out.
But overall, she has grown to accept it, allowing me the option of leaving her for periods of time when I am unable to have her with me.
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