Dateline, Mt. Sterling, KY
Longitude: -83.94502
Latitude: 38.06882
Today, Shelby and I went out exploring. And forgot the camera, darnit.
We drove around the small town of Mt. Sterling, KY, studying the people, businesses and surprising number of burned-out homes within city limits.
I'll be back with a camera for a pictorial essay, but the day had an interesting turn when I popped into the Downtown Athletic Center and met the owner Mike, an affable, friendly guy I would put around my age.
Mike gave me a tour of the facilities and in the back corner was a large glassed-in room with several rescue dogs patiently hoping for someone to take them home. I mentioned to Mike that I had a three-legged Lab out in the car and he said "I got one here, too".
So he took me around to an area with two nice leather couches, one of which, he explained, was Dusty's.
Dusty is a 7 year old coonhound (not sure if that is one or two words). Very friendly and very popular with the staff and members of the club. Dusty lost the same leg as Shelby to a car.
Now that I know of the gym I will be heading back there with both Shelby, a camera and my gym stuff.
I will see if Mike will allow me to take Dusty out for walks.
What has eight legs, six eyes and smells?
Me and the dogs.
Mike's about your age - what is that in dog years?
A fair question.
I'm 7 in dog years.
Same age as Dusty and Mike.
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